Listen in to hear Jen and Bridger’s discussion on the importance of case conceptualization and how this is relevant in EMDR therapy. 

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At Beyond Healing, we believe good therapy comes from good case conceptualization.

  • The more that we understand the ‘why’ and the ‘how’, then we can understand as a therapist of which direction we need to go. 
  • We are looking at the human being in front of us, not just as a person, but a biological organism. 
  • It’s more about looking at this person and all their cumulative experiences that have shaped them into the person that they are today. 
  • AIP- How a person shows up in the present is from their experiences in the past. 
  • We as humans are constantly adaptive. 


Humans are Mammals:

  • We are biological, mammalian organisms. 
  • Mammals birth live young, rely on social relationships and live in community.
  • Understanding that we are mammals allows us to see why social connection and relationships are so vital to our survival. 
  • Toxic relationships- being alone is more terrifying than the toxicity of a relationship.


Why does this matter for the 8 Phase Protocol in EMDR?

  • It will begin to highlight what relational resources are vital for reprocessing. 
  • Helps us understand why certain targets and early relational trauma influence the processing of new experiences. 

Case conceptualization example:

  • Sexual trauma and shame
  • Repressed affect and cognitive story
  • This isn’t about blaming the parents but rather understanding that while their parents may have done their best, there were some needs that weren’t met in the necessary way. 
  • “We are good enough to stay together, we know how to please each other, but it comes at a cost.” This then causes the need for strategy. 
  • If their strategies were not created, our systems would feel that we could not maintain vital social relationships that are so necessary for our survival as mammals. 
  • Excuse making/ redirecting by the client to make sure that the therapist doesn’t think badly of their parents. What does this mean? 


Why does a trauma target exist?

  • The system cannot contextualize it in a way that is conducive to our vital needs of safety and connection. 
  • The organism feeling fear and shame. 
  • Looking at each experience and how they formed this system. 
  • Staying curious about the story and how the story unfolded. 
  • Not necessarily about “What did you think about it?” but “How did you feel about it?”

