Episode 46: Somatic Integration and Processing

In this episode, we are going to share an overview about our model called Somatic Integration and Processing.
What is Somatic Integration and Processing?
- It is a case conceptualization model; it’s not a modality.
- SIP also allows us to make meaning of what is going on with the client as well as understand the dynamic between the therapist and the client.
- We use it in all of our case conceptualizations.
- Intersubjective Space: The idea when “you” and “I” together make a third.
- SIP achieves more than just a biopsychosocial history.
- Gives us guidance about what information should be noted
- Lastly, it helps us look at whatever situation that is presented by the client and allow us to see the bigger picture
How to know what’s relevant?
- SIP helps you understand what’s relevant and also helps you guide the session to uncover more relevant information.
- It also tells us where the barriers may be hidden as well.
Why did we create Somatic Integration and Processing (SIP)?
- When we consulted with other therapist, the number one question was about case conceptualization.
- Falls under 3 main categories/theories
- Polyvagal Theory
- Attachment and Neurodevelopment
- It’s about looking at these all together, not as separate pieces.
- Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs and Bowlby’s Safe Haven are foundational theories at the bedrock of SIP.
Example using Somatic Integration and Processing (SIP)
- A client who’s also a therapist couldn’t figure out why she would get so anxious seeing particular clients.
- When she was younger, she had very sensitive physiological skin issues. Her body was very sympathetically charged and this was her body’s way of releasing anger.
- With this being said, her forbidden affect was anger.
- The forbidden affect tells the story of her nervous system.
- She was able to identify as the “anger person” the forbidden emotion was fear.
Who can use SIP?
- Everyone can use Somatic Integration and Processing.
- It’s a way to understand what it means to be human and the things that matter most to our human experience.
- Helps us refine our work and redirect our energy to what truly matters.
What to Expect at a SIP training?
- Two main comments:
- Felt incredibly affirming and encouraging
- It also enhances our work to make it more meaningful
- Will be provided with all the material so that it can be used after the training.
- The structure of the 3 days:
- What case conceptualization is
- Helps us understand the 3 theories sufficiently
- Mapping out case conceptualization and spend time discussing real life cases
- The integration of EMDR and SIP is seamless.
- EMDR Training in OK in August and MO in September
- EMDR virtual training May 6-8
- EMDRIA Conference in Denver at the end of August